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What to do if your baby has colic


Updated: May 19, 2022

When I was learning about Nutrition I kept coming across things that I really wished I had known earlier – and one of those was what to do if your baby has colic. I’m not sure that there is much worse than a colicky baby – nothing you do seems to help, you feel so helpless, distraught, and of course exhausted.

But there are things that you can do.

Crying very young baby
Crying baby


Firstly, try some baby probiotics. Often the problem is caused by dysbiosis in the baby’s intestines, maybe due to antibiotics or just not enough time to get a good gut flora developed. Biogaia Protectis Baby Drops are well researched and recommended by paediatricians. They are safe, and inexpensive, and could be the solution to your baby’s colic.

Fennel Tea

Fennel tea can help. fennel has been used for centuries to ease digestive problems. It reduces muscle spasms and bloating and improves digestion, flatulence and stomach cramps, and it is safe for babies. It is also a galactagogue – it increases production of breast milk, a double win if you are breast feeding.

Breastfeeding mothers can drink the tea, and the baby will get the benefit through the milk. Bottle-fed babies can be given cooled fennel tea to drink directly. My favourite is Pukka Three Fennel Tea.

Changing your diet

If you are breastfeeding you can also try cutting out some of the main culprits – foods that can cause digestive problems. These include:

· Cow’s milk, and all dairy foods.

· Caffeine, in coffee, tea, chocolate and soft drinks.

· Cruciferous vegetables, for example cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts.

· Fruits with high amounts of citric acid, for example grapes, mangoes, oranges, lemons, pineapples.

· Strong flavours including garlic and spices.

· Eggs.

· Wheat.

Don’t attempt to cut all of these out at the same time. Try one group for example garlic and spices, take note of any changes over the next 2-3 days, if no change go back to eating them and try another group.

It is reasonably common for babies to be intolerant of cow’s milk – sometimes avoiding cow’s milk while you are breastfeeding can make a big improvement. If you are using formula and think dairy may be an issue talk to your GP, they can recommend an alternative formula.

If your baby has other symptoms such as diarrhoea or a rash speak to your GP or health visitor straight away.


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